CA certificate to add must be in PEM format.
openssl x509 -in <yourCA>.crt -text >> /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
CA certificate to add must be in PEM format.
openssl x509 -in <yourCA>.crt -text >> /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
#!/bin/bash # merge more mts file in one and encode it # to obtain 1600x900 x264/aac file # detect anctual folder actualdir="`pwd`" # check for folder path if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "Nessun argomento trovato !!!\nDevi specificare la path della cartella degli MTS da unire\n" exit 1 fi # move into mts folder path cd "$1" FILES=`ls -1 *.MTS` FILESVAR="" # concat of MTS files name for i in $FILES ; do FILESVAR="$FILESVAR$i|" done # encoding command generation ffmpeg \ -threads 4 \ -i "concat:$FILESVAR" \ -i /file/path/for/watermark.png \ -filter_complex "[0:v]yadif, scale=-1:900[b];[b][1:v]overlay=x=(main_w-overlay_w-16):y=(main_h-overlay_h-16)" \ -vcodec h264_nvenc \ -preset:v llhq \ -profile:v high \ -level:v 5 \ -rc:v ll_2pass_quality \ -qmin:v 28 \ -qmax:v 52 \ -acodec aac \ -ab 320k \ -cutoff 22050 \ -sn out.mkv # return in first folder cd $actualdir
In Firefox 60, there’s an easier solution. Go to about:config
and set the following string value: widget.content.gtk-theme-override
= Adwaita:light
You have to right-click and select New -> String because this setting must be created.
We need to have ca certificate in der format, so if we have a my-ca.crt pem format ca certificate we need to convert it using:
openssl x509 -in my-ca.crt -inform pem -out my-ca.der -outform der
So to have list of already added certificates to jdk cacerts, we can use:
keytool -v -list -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts
default keystore password is: changeit
Keystore path could be different (es: /etc/pki/java/cacerts).
To import ca certificate use:
keytool -importcert -alias local-CA -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file my-ca.der